lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

to check! (by theachers)

Well, my name is Ricardo Paulsen. I was born in Santiago de Chile; here in my country our culture is like any other western culture on the world. I think that the culture I grew up is very good and I’d like living it every day.

My family is quite normal; I live with my parents and my brother. My father has worked in a security company for as long as I remember. My mother is a housewife; my parents got married when they were twenty-two years old. My brother is called Juan Pablo, he is studying at the high school, and he’s 15 years old.

Well, What do I like to do in my free time? I like travel; every year I save all money I can. When I have enough money I always draw up my holidays with someone else. Last summer I took my bag and I went to Mendoza city, in Argentina. From this city I was visiting every cities I could. Three weeks later I got to Bolivia, I was in “La Quiaca” one day and then I went to La Paz city.

I finished high school when I was 18, then I got in to the college. I decided to study geography because I have a special interest about the urban problems.

2 comentarios:

nico! dijo...

good text...
I too like travel, i think is the best form for spend the money.

see you!!

Pauly dijo...

hello Ricardo!!
I am paulina, student of english pedagogy at "Alberto Hurtado University." This semester we will work with you (and your classmates) reading your entries and giving feedback on it. I hope we can have a good virtual relationship.

have a nice week

